Welcome job seeker!

We hear it over and over again;

Job seekers with SOOOOO much to offer who get super frustrated as they limp thourgh a job search. From new grads to seasoned execs, we hear the same story, regardless of how much experience or how impressive the title may be.

It's just not right. You with me on this?

I am committed to helping job seekers in order to make the whole expereince easier. Finally. One stop shop - get the whole story - practical strategies and tips to change how you manage your search.

The results? More confidence, more control over the process, high probablity of getting the intereviews, advancing through the interviews and getting an offer (or maybe even competing offers! Wouldn't that be great??).

What is your committment to making the job search easier?

Check out the services below...chose what's best for you.


Checklist for Job Seekers

Our experience is that managers, at all levels, are not always comfortable in a hiring process. As such, we created a resource to help them out. This checklist was vetted by hiring managers of all levels, working in SMBs through large multi-nationals. In shosrt, it was approved by a lot of VERY qualified managers before it was finalized. When we offer your something, we want to make sure it can bring you value.

Services offered

Search Strategies - online course

Dreading your job search? Delaying starting a search because you just can't stand the thought? Yup, we've heard it over and over again. Friends, Search Strategies is designed to walk you through each step of the process, from getting ready to launch your search straight through to the first day in the new role. In the midst of a search? No problem. Jump in, because you will learn valuable things regardless. Learn the strategies that will help you STAND OUT from other candiates each step of the way. AND, this is the type of course you only have to do one time. Once you know what to do, you know what to do....(and also you will have continuous access to the course if you want to do it again)

Get Noticed By Employers - FREE webinar

Struggling to get interviews? Most candidates have profiles that do not stand out. If you are ready to stand out.....let's go! In this webinar we will review how to position yourself to get noticed. Sometimes, it's just a small tweak that is needed. Other times there is more of an overhaul required. Regardless, let's get you on the right track! Whether you are about to start your search or you are already frustrated because you have been applying but not getting the response you need - COME TO THE WEBINAR! Let's elevate your game. Next session, Wed, May 1

1:1 Job Search Advising

Prefer to work 1:1 through the search process? If so, this is for you! This service is a custom version of the Search Strategies course. Space is limited.

Topics Include:

  • Managing Your Career - a mindset that will carry you until retirement
  • How to position yourself on your Resume/LinkedIn
  • Figuring out what employer type is rght for you
  • What positions to apply to
  • How to get an employer's attention
  • Making an impression in your interview(s)
  • Discussing compensation
  • Showing up day 1
  • Ensuring success in the new role
  • ...and more!
“"I want to thank you for accompanying me through my job search. You have been amazing! I will be sure to share your contact info with anyone looking to make a career move. It was a true pleasure working with you." ”Jeanne
“I have worked with Lori for years! I send people her way whenever I can. People who know Lori know she is a straight shooter and fiercely committed to helping...whether with someone's job search or in a mentoring capacity. It's just who she is, and she does great work.”Paula
“I am so glad you are doing this! It is really needed - thank you!”Tetyana

We are seasoned managers here to make job searching easier! Doesn't everyone deserve that?

Can we help you?

Contact us!